A GET tough policy on drivers speeding through roadworks on the M6 motorway has 'trapped' more than 1,700 motorists in just four days. In the first case of its kind in the country, speed cameras were installed at motorway roadworks on the M6 at Forton in a bid to keep drivers down to 50mph. Chief Inspector Ian Bell of Lancashire Constabulary motorway unit, described the statistics as a "flagrant disregard" for safety and said he was "appalled" by the number of drivers being caught for speeding.

He said: "I am concerned that so many motorists are clearly exceeding the temporary 50mph speed limit which was brought into force to reduce road casualties. Speed restrictions were introduced for roadworks some years ago because motorists travelling through them are 50 per cent more likely to be involved in a collision.

"I am appalled by the blatant disregard so many motorists have shown for the mandatory limit.

Clearly the absence of a hard shoulder and contraflow driving make the potential for accidents much greater."

In the first four days of the automatic speed enforcement period, some 1,500 drivers were detected exceeding 65mph and more than 200 were caught driving at more than 75mph.

They will now receive a summons and could face disqualification from driving from the courts.

The roadworks are expected to be in place until just before the August Bank Holiday. The scheme has been set up to allow three lanes to run in each direction in order to keep congestion to a minimum.

The fact that speed cameras are in use is advertised on sign as drivers approach the roadworks.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.