WORKERS in Lancashire are unfairly facing the sack from unscrupulous bosses, a report claims.

A survey by the Low Pay Unit in the region found that employees are often being dismissed without good reason

"There are already provisions in place which allow employers to dismiss workers fairly on grounds of misconduct, redundancy or for some other substantial reason," said Susan Kirkham author of the report.

"Given these provisions other dismissals are likely to be unfair and where a dismissal is unfair it should be treated as such. Workers should have the right to seek redress from day one of the employment."

More than a third of workers who contacted the Citizens Advice Bureau or Low Pay Unit had worked for their employer for less than a year - below the threshold where they can claim for unfair dismissal.

Local examples uncovered by the survey included a sales assistant who was sacked after a month because money was missing from a till although there was no proof she was responsible. In another case a catering worker was sacked after taking three days off sick.

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