THE organisers of the world pool championships have pulled out of Morecambe after a row over funding. And now the money-spinning tournament, which brings thousands to the resort, is set to move elsewhere because what they claim is lack of support from the authorities. Alan Marshall of the EUKPF who has developed the competition over the last three years is reluctant to pull the plug on the resort but says he has little choice.

"We thought we had an agreement with the council but this year they have done nothing to help they haven't even provided any seating... not even a cup of tea. I just can't understand it, up until now they have been very helpful," explained Mr Marshall.

Mr Marshall's plans suffered a setback this year when one of his main sponsors let him down at the last minute but he doesn't want charity.

"I don't expect the council to make up for that money but you think they would put some cash into something that brought so many people to Morecambe every year," he explained.

Mr Marshall said other resorts would pull out all the stops for an event like this.

"The hotels, taxis and local businesses all benefit and we love it here we have been made to feel most welcome. But we can't operate this as a loss."

When Doncaster-based Mr Marshall first brought the competition to the resort the council agreed to help with funding as long as he promised to keep the competition at the resort for three years. Since then it has grown but he claims he has had only £7,000 from the council to help and has been told there is no council cash to help out.

Despite the shock move tourism chairman Cllr Jean Yates was hopeful the situation could be salvaged.

"I don't want to lose this tournament but we just have not got any money to help out. If we had known about the problems earlier we could have tried to put something in the budget. They have had £8,000 for the three years and that was the agreement. I will be doing everything I can to keep this tournament here."

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.