A FORMER primary school teacher from Bury has been back to school - and has now launched a hi-tech career in the computer industry.

After chalking up his first few years in the classroom, 33-year-old David Hartshorne decided that a little more education would enhance his career prospects.

"I felt there was a lack of career opportunities," reflected David, "and I was unfulfilled."

After a little research, he concluded that his long-term interest in information technology could provide excellent prospects.

David chose to enrol with the West Midlands-based training organisation, Computeach International, whose pioneering distance learning system meant he could continue working while he studied at his own pace.

For David, the attraction of Computeach was not only the combination of distance learning and in-house sessions, but also the inclusion of a career development programme run by the company's recruitment agency.

This provides training in practical job-seeking skills such as interview techniques and aptitude tests and then introduces students to potential employers. David chose to get into computing at a time when the industry is booming.

Reprogramming work to prepare computer systems worldwide for the Year 2000 has led to huge increases in the number of vacancies being advertised - particularly in the Cobol programming language that David studied.

The course gave David the confidence he needed to impress an employer.

"I really appreciated talking to the careers agency prior to my interview," he recalled.

"I felt very confident knowing I was on a good course, with the background it had provided."

David's confidence was not misplaced. Even before taking his City and Guilds exam he was offered the position of analyst/programmer within the logistics section of a paints manufacturer in Darwen.

For the former schoolteacher, Computeach proved to be a class act.

Commenting on his new career, he said: "I am enjoying it very much. I am being well looked after and feel more relaxed."

David is keen to teach by example now and advises anyone considering a career change to enrol with Computeach.

"If I hadn't enrolled, I'd still be teaching," he says. "But I don't like the thought. Now, I hope to progress up the career ladder and be a systems analyst within five years."

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