A FEMALE insurance collector was robbed after leaving a house in Belvedere Road, Newton-le-Willows.

The 40-year-old victim, who was visiting houses in the area to collect cash payments, was about to get into her Ford Escort car outside the house when she noticed that the driver's window had been wound down, which was not how she had left it.

As she opened the door to wind it up, she felt someone behind shove her into the car before snatching the collecting bag - containing cash and cheques.

When she got up, she spotted a young man running up Belvedere Road heading towards Billington Avenue, and she noted that a car previously parked nearby with two two men sitting in the front, had disappeared. She could only describe the robber as wearing dark clothing. Anyone with information can contact DC Mick Bowes at St Helens Police Station on 0151 777 6064 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.