A DISUSED railway line running over a bridge in Sutton is a 'tragedy waiting to happen' according to Marshalls Cross Liberal Democrat councillor John Beirne.

Councillor Beirne is urging Railtrack to secure the now-disused line between St Helens Central and Junction stations across Robins Lane.

He said: "The company should act now. In the past 10 or 15 years since the line closed, it has just fallen to rack and ruin. People have been stealing sleepers, pets which have wandered onto the site have been injured and recently, children have been throwing stones and pieces of wood at cars passing below the bridge. The police have had to be called out on numerous occasions.

"The whole area needs securing and cleaning up - the neglect by Railtrack is shocking. It's a complete eyesore and I have written to Railtrack to find out what they plan to do about it."

Bernard Travis, a spokesman for Railtrack, told the Star: "It is our policy to follow up any problems or complaints made by the public.

"We have alerted the British Transport Police. Railtrack will also be ispecting the site to see if clean-up work is necessary."

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