A WOMAN who once faced living without furniture after the break up of a relationship today called on others to rally round and help the charity which came to her aid.

Vera Duxbury, 43, says the Darwen Churches Together Furniture Project proved a lifeline during her crisis by fitting out the downstairs of her home.

"I don't know what I would have done without them. I didn't even have anything to sit on and didn't know where to turn," explained the museum worker, of Two Gates Drive, Darwen.

"My social worker contacted the furniture store on my behalf and the volunteers were so kind.

"What they do is very important because a lot of people get desperate through no fault of their own."

The project was set up in 1991 by local methodist minister and magistrate Nevil Davies after he came across a destitute mother who had been caught stealing. The store has had a number of homes and is now based at units off Kay Street, Darwen.

It is run solely by an army of 15 volunteers who help up to 700 families each year.

Referrals come from a wide range of bodies including social services, the Citizens Advice Bureau and Victim Support.

Project manager Bob Kearney said: "We rely solely on donations to keep going and it is very much hand to mouth.

"All the Darwen churches support us and we have applied for a grants from the council and Church Urban Fund.

"We need about £25,000 a year to cover costs."

Volunteers who can spare a few hours a month to help out are urgently sought.

All types of furniture and household goods, including soft furnishings and electrical items, are also needed to keep the service running.

If you can help ring 01254 706420. The store is closed until July 27 for the holidays.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.