A TEENAGER'S holiday flight to Turkey turned into high drama when her plane made an emergency landing in Romania to offload two rowdy passengers.

Nicola Brooks, 15, of Beardwood, Blackburn, was on her way to Marmaris on the Turkish coast when the Boeing 757 was diverted.

The plane, operated by Flying Colours Airlines, touched down at Bucharest's Otopeni Airport so that two passengers could be taken off.

The airline is considering legal action against Michael Williams, 26, and Helen McCormick, 24, believed to be from Merseyside. The pair were taken off the flight from Manchester to Dalaman by Romanian police.

Former St Bede's High School pupil Nicola, who is still in Turkey holidaying with a pal's family, said: "There was a man who was causing trouble and being abusive to the staff and other passengers. I don't know if he was drunk or not." "The passengers were getting worried because we didn't know what he was going to do next.

"The last we saw of him was when he was arguing with the Romanian police as they took him away.

"We were relieved when he was taken off the flight and things calmed down, even though it meant we got to Turkey late."

A spokesman for Flying Colours Airlines said: "The behaviour of these people meant that the crew were having to spend too much time attending to them and were not able to carry on with their usual duties. It was decided that the situation posed too much of a safety risk and the plane landed in Romania.

"The flight was delayed by around an hour and a half but it is my understanding that the other 233 passengers, who were well behaved, were glad to see the situation resolved.

"The pilot has a legal right to eject passengers whose behaviour poses a safety risk, and the company will continue to take a firm line as is our right.

"We are considering our position and may take legal action against the people involved."

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