SHARES in industrial materials manufacturer Scapa, which employs hundreds throughout East Lancashire, fell after the firm reported continuing weak demand for its products.

The Blackburn based firm saw its shares fall by 11 per cent to 165p after its annual general meeting yesterday.

Chairman Harry Tuley said profits for the first quarter of the financial year were "slightly behind" those for the same period last year.

"So far as current training conditions are concerned, the weakness in demand for the Far East which started in the second half of last year has continued into the current year," said Mr Tuley. "In addition we are now seeing a slight softening in demand in other markets."

He said the company's reorganisation programme, which led to 75 job losses at its Scapa Scandia site in Blackburn, was going to according to plan.

Last month the firm warned that economic problems in the Far East and the strength of pound was continuing to make trading conditions difficult.

Scapa Group, based on Preston New Road, employs hundreds throughout East Lancashire at Scapa-Scandia, Scapa Forming, in Stubbins, and Scapa Filtration, Haslingden.

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