REGARDING the remarks of Miss S Dolan (Letters, July 20) concerning the 'disgraceful' Channel 5 reception, I cannot understand why you named this 'Letter of the Week,' or why it was printed in the first place.

I thought it was common knowledge that you had to pay the licence fee to view BBC channels only.

Channel 5 is free to the viewer in the same way as ITV is, as both are funded by advertising, not by the licence fee.

While it is somewhat confusing and considerably annoying that most of the time there seems to be more interference than picture on the screen when viewing Channel 5, we don't really have any grounds to complain.

This is because it is not a licence fee-funded channel.

N COE (Mr), Howard Street,


Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.