A FORMER Accrington Stanley football star was due to have surgery today after being savagely attacked by a dog.

David McDowell, 48, was bitten on both arms by the animal as he walked home late yesterday evening.

Mr McDowell, landlord of the Bridge Inn, Henry Street, Church, was walking along Hyndburn Road when he was set upon by the dog. His arms were left badly injured and he was taken to Blackburn Royal Infirmary.

A spokesman for Accrington ambulance said: "The man was savaged by a dog which really ripped one of his arms and took a chunk out of the other.He was very badly mauled."

A police spokesman said Mr McDowell was conscious in hospital but had lost a lot of blood. The dog involved has not been traced.

A spokeswoman for Blackburn Royal Infirmary said Mr McDowell was in a comfortable condition.

Mr McDowell's wife Beverley was at the hospital and unavailable for comment.

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