JAZZ pianist Basil Halstead has died suddenly after a heart attack at his Grasmere Avenue home, Lammack.

Mr Halstead, 76, who served in the merchant navy during World War Two, was a well-known local musician and played at Tony's night club, Blackburn, in the latter part of the 1940s.

He was a semi-pro with the Eddie McGarry band and Jock Kayton band while working as tool room manager at Mullard's, Blackburn, until taking early retirement in 1955.

He then formed his own trio and also taught the organ at Brown's music shop, Darwen Street, Blackburn.

Mr Halstead's recordings will be played at the funeral service at Blackburn crematorium at 2pm, Tuesday, July 28. He leaves Mary, his wife of 54 years, a son David and two grandsons.

David said: "He loved his music. I'm sure there's a lot of musicians around who will miss him."

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