THE Salvation Army is appealing for help with a colony of cats which has set up home outside its social services centre in Blackburn.

The cats are being cared for by residents of Bramwell House in Heaton Street - but staff fear that they will have a real problem if the animals continue to breed.

Tony Wigley, assistant officer-in-charge at the centre, said: "Some of our residents have started feeding them.

"One of the men puts bowls of milk out for them and a couple of the ladies in the building have been saving scraps off their plates to give to them.

"We don't mind that but already have quite a population and don't really want any more."

The Cats Protection League has promised to round up the cats. The young ones will be found homes and the older ones neutered.

The RSPCA will pay for half of the treatment and the Salvation Army will have to find money for the rest.

Mr Wigley said: "We don't know how many there are. Quite a few cats and at least one family of kittens. It could cost a couple of hundred pounds."

Anyone who wants to make a donation can send it to Bramwell House, Heaton Street, Blackburn, or phone Captain Dave Coates on 01254 677338.

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