A YOUNG dad punched the friend of his former girlfriend when she tried to stop a 'heated row,' Burnley magistrates heard.

Christian Cormack, 24, struck Sharon Crook in the face when she objected to him grabbing her friend, the court was told.

Cormack, of Water Street, Crawshawbooth, was conditionally discharged for 12 months and must pay £50 compensation and £40 costs. He admitted common assault.

Sarah Statham, prosecuting, said the three had been out drinking with another man and returned to his home for a cup of tea.

Cormack was extremely drunk, argued with his ex-girlfriend and once outside the house, began to grab her.

Miss Crook was concerned, told Crook to leave her alone and, without warning, was punched in the face.

She suffered a large swelling on her forehead, just above her right eye.

Alan Wilson, defending, said the complainant would not give the defendant and his ex-girlfriend five minutes alone and was screaming and shouting.

Cormack apologised and accepted his behaviour was inappropriate. He had no relevant convictions and usually had no problems with drink.

Cormack, who was a full-time carer for his elderly grandfather, had a daughter he tried to see as often as he could. He had suffered periodic depression since his son had died.

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