A SCHEME to recruit special constables to patrol trains will be up and running before Christmas, it was revealed today.

The 'specials' will be used by British Transport Police across the UK following a successful pilot scheme in East Lancashire.

The part-time volunteer officers will be trained during the next five months and should be patrolling trains and stations by December.

Inspector Frank Melling, of British Transport Police, said there had been a good response from would-be volunteers since the Lancashire Evening Telegraph revealed the plans in February.

He hopes to have a force of 400 volunteers nationwide working alongside full-time police officers to crack down on violent attacks on passengers.

They will be armed with US-style side-handled batons and body armour and fully trained before starting work.

"The pilot scheme was a great success," said Insp Melling.

"We are eager to get the people out there doing the job but we would not want a second class police force."

Last year in Britain, 2,273 people were robbed on the railways with 1,547 other violent crimes and 675 sexual assaults.

Anyone who would like to join the scheme can contact the British Transport Police on 0161 228 5685.

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