THE SO-CALLED silly season is supposed to start when Parliament shuts down for the summer, leaving newspapers short of serious stuff.

But this year the slapdash Sun has kicked off early.

And playing with a fractured funny-bone, true to form, it dragged the level down.

For it decided that its story of Swedish model Hanna Graaf moving to Blackburn to be with her boyfriend, Rovers star Martin Dahlin, should be an occasion for it to ridicule the North.

So along with putting some made-up sexist mumbo-jumbo in the council leader's mouth, it made Blackburn out to be all flat caps and cobbles.

The Sun, of course, is no stranger to fiction - and that's what this load of cobblers was too.

Yet, what can you expect from a newspaper that's aimed at airhead Essex types "dahn sarf" - and is put together by their ilk "wos never been up norf neeva"?

Leave it out, Sun!

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.