REGARDING John Prescott's transport plan, it is impossible to suddenly say to the nation: "Don't use your car," when cars have become a way of life.

Public transport has deteriorated over the years and railway stations have closed.

To improve everything to cope with the demand of "no cars" will take years and cost millions of pounds.

Park-and-ride scheme are excellent, but where will local authorities find the large parking areas needed and at what cost?

The government should scrap the road tax and increase the price of petrol to deter unnecessary use of cars.

They should employ "lollipop wardens" to escort children to school or provide school buses and bring in "stop a bus" schemes to encourage their use in out of the way places.

Cycling is impractical for the elderly or infirm and in hilly districts.

There should be proficiency schemes for everyone and more share-a-car schemes.

But all such schemes will require changes in our lifestyle and determination to make them work.

Nothing will be an overnight success.

MRS KATHLEEN BULCOCK, Wilkie Avenue, Burnley.

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