TWO burglars arrested in the police Operation Canberra have been jailed for six and a half years amid claims they were 'encouraged' to offend.

Daniel Devlin, 25, was sent to prison for three-and-a-half years. Christian Ormonde, 28, who has no previous convictions for drugs offences, was given a three-year term, after admitting being involved in supplying heroin and amphetamine.

Sentencing the duo, caught after their dealings with undercover officers "Dave" and "Mickey," who set up home on Cog Lane, Burnley, Judge Ian Webster said there was some room to believe Ormonde might not have committed the drugs offence but for the police operation.

Ormonde, of Girvan Grove, Burnley, admitted attempted burglary, being concerned in the supply of amphetamine, two allegations of supplying heroin and being concerned in supplying.

Devlin, of Venice Avenue, Burnley, pleaded guilty to four house burglaries.

Richard Simons, defending, said Devlin was a man who could keep away from offending and if he received help, it would not only be to the advantage of the defendant but the community as well. He had pleaded guilty at the first opportunity and expected to receive a custodial sentence.

The suggestion that police officers caused Devlin to become a burglar where he had not been one would fly in the face of his criminal history. But there had been 'active encouragement' to offend.

Mr Simons added Devlin came from a 'tragic background,' which had contributed to what he did.

All the burglaries he committed were at houses and Devlin had done all he was able to ensure the properties were empty.

For Ormonde, Mr Simons said he had shown genuine contrition by pleading guilty.

He had no previous convictions for drugs offences and was introduced to the undercover officers almost immediately on his release from prison.

The officers made it clear they wanted to buy amphetamine and Ormonde knew who sold it.

Mr Simons went on: "The defendant made the introductions and put officers in touch with willing suppliers."

Although Ormonde faced less burglary allegations than Devlin, he offended during Operation Canberra when 'actively encouraged' by others.

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