A HOUSE was cordoned off when a drunken man, clad only in his underpants, threatened paramedics in a Kung Fu stance.

Arthur Orford, 53, swore at police, approached them apparently intent on fighting and was eventually brought down by a police dog, Burnley Crown Court heard.

Orford, of St James Street, Accrington, who has served the equivalent of a year's sentence, was conditionally discharged for 12 months by Judge Ian Webster after admitting affray.

He told him to curb his drinking and not repeat "this sort of conduct".

Charles Brown, prosecuting, told the court Orford had been drinking and had a violent argument with his wife. She was injured and Orford called an ambulance. Paramedics arrived in the early hours but Orford became difficult, blocked the door and started to make Kung Fu actions.

Orford, who was dressed only in his underpants, told the ambulance officers they could not leave. After the defendant made threatening gestures, police were called and cordoned off the house.

An armed response unit arrived, and over several hours, Orford swore at police officers, emerged from the house "seriously drunk" and apparently wanted to fight.

Orford was eventually brought down by a police dog and the next day his recollection of what had gone on was "patchy".

Mr Rennick Chapman, defending, said Orford fully regretted the events of that day and apologised for any alarm he may have caused the paramedics.

"He must have presented rather a pathetic figure, a 53-year-old man under the effects of drink, standing in the doorway in his underwear, pretending to do Kung Fu moves."

Orford had no training in martial arts and any concern from the paramedics may have come from the fact they were facing an unknown man.

Mr Chapman added that since the offence, Orford had served the equivalent of a 12-month term of imprisonment.

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