A LONG-RUNNING dispute between Burnley FC and the police over the cost of policing matches is set to be resolved, says club director, Clive Holt.

The club has been locked in dispute with Lancashire Police over the force's proposals for charging for officers held outside the ground in reserve in case of crowd trouble.

Mr Holt said the police had backed down after listening to the club's arguments and was looking again at the policy.

An extraordinary meeting of Lancashire Police Authority will be held in private on Thursday to discuss the issue.

Mr Holt said: "Burnley FC has improved the stewarding and facilities in the ground. They are that much better now we've reduced the number of police required in the ground.

"Before, when the police had finished their duties outside the ground before the match, they used to come into the ground. Now they are not required inside and the police have not been able to charge for them. They suggested they would charge for those reserves and we didn't agree with that."

Mr Holt said the proposed charges could have cost the club up to £50,000 a season.

The new charge was set to come in at the start of the new season in a fortnight's time for all Nationwide League clubs in the county.

A Police Authority spokesman said that as the matter was private and confidential at this stage, no comment could be made until after the meeting.

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