ASPIRING rock stars could learn how to handle adoring fans, pose with guitars and look moody in shades on a new college course.

Blackburn College is launching a new course in pop music which aims to help youngsters break into the music business. Similar courses have been run elsewhere in England, but this will be the first in Lancashire.

The two-year Foundation Course in Contemporary Popular Music will teach young people how to write songs, perform in bands and survive the turbulent world of pop.

The course is being run with an organisation called Access to Music, which has its own record label and signs up the students who have formed the best bands at the end of the course.

The Blackburn students will record their best work onto a compilation CD which will be sold nationwide and there will be regional and national gigs for them to take part in.

A careers convention involving people from all areas of the music industry will also be held to help the students get their big break. David Ellis, senior course tutor, said the course was highly practical and would be assessed through the completion of set assignments - not exams.

He said: "Although there is an academic content in the course, working in bands towards deadlines is the only way for students to get a real insight into how the industry works.

"A lot of students are shocked when they realise how much effort it takes to get anywhere in music. We try and show them that at the end of the day it is a job."

Students who cannot read music can learn how to on the course, which also covers the development of instrumental skills, composition, songwriting, music technology, multi-track recording and practical musicianship.

Mr Ellis said: "It includes master classes by leading musicians, as well as sessions on different aspects of the music business.

"Opportunities to rehearse and perform in bands are a central part of the course - in fact, several of Access to Music's former students have already been signed for record deals."

The course is designed as a platform for 16 to 25 year-olds who want to go straight into the music industry.

It is also a recognised qualification - equivalent to three A Levels - by universities offering degree courses in popular music.

The course starts on October 26 and there are still a few places available. Anyone interested should contact Access to Music on 0800 281 842.

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