A NINE-YEAR-OLD boy was heartbroken when his mum's friend raided their home and took his Sony Playstation, a court heard.

The single mother-of-three wasn't insured and couldn't afford to replace the game, which was her son's only Christmas present, Burnley magistrates were told.

Her friend, a drug addicted and alcoholic mother-of-two, Kim Cowburn, 34, was given a chance to change her ways, when the bench adjourned sentence until next January 26.

Cowburn, must work with the community drugs team, commit no further offences and rid herself of drugs. She was told: "The ball is in your court now."

Cowburn, of Thursby Road, Nelson, was convicted of four counts of theft, burglary and breach of probation order, imposed for theft, handling stolen goods and possessing drugs.

Lesley Williams, prosecuting, told the bench Cowburn's burglary victim went round to Cowburn's and asked her where the Playstation was. Cowburn told her she had seen a man in her house, climbed up to a window to confront him and he had thrown stolen property at her. She had taken them for safe-keeping, intending to take them back.

On another occasion, Cowburn went shoplifting, making sure she was caught on the store's security camera. She said this was because she needed to get to the police station to sort something out with somebody and hoped she would be put in the same cell.

Dermot Woodhead, defending, said Cowburn could not complain if she was sent back to prison.

He said Cowburn had considerable difficulties. She had at first a very serious drink problem and 12 to18 months ago got involved in drugs. Her lifestyle was chaotic and she had had a succession of relationships with regular court attendants, being the subject of physical abuse. She had at one point been charged with attempted murder but the case had been dropped when it was accepted she was defending herself.

Mr Woodhead said there had been a marked improvement in Cowburn's appearance and mental capacity since she had been in custody.

She now realised her position and that if she didn't do something she would be another statistic of the drugs-related scene. The defendant did not want to risk being separated from her children again.

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