A TERRIFIED young mother who believes she has become the target of a vicious hate campaign is convinced a stalker is out to kill her.

Danielle Burrows, 19, spoke of her fears after a burning newspaper was pushed through the letterbox of her home while she lay in bed with her 15-month-old son Jordan.

"Whoever is doing this to me and Jordan obviously wants us dead," she said.

"I can't understand why they have chosen us because we have done nothing wrong."

The arson attack happened at 11pm on Sunday and is the latest in a series of incidents at the house in Dover Street, Lower Darwen, during the last month.

They include bricks being thrown through the child's bedroom window, a threatening letter sent in the post, dozens of nuisance calls and an attempted break-in.

She added: "I'm still recovering from a miscarriage and only spotted the fire because I went downstairs for some tablets.

"I don't even want to think what would have happened otherwise.

"At first I thought I'd left the grill on when I smelled smoke and went hysterical when I saw an orange glow and all the paper behind the front door."

Police have launched an investigation and are determined to track down the person responsible.

Det Sgt Pat Wood said: "We are obviously treating all the incidents very seriously and have a number of leads.

"Our forensic team have been to the house and we are encouraged by what they have found."

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