THE Foreign Office is to be asked to help solve the mystery of a Colne's man's holiday death in Turkey.

Denby Lee, 44, of Duke Street, Colne, was found dead in his hotel bed in the popular resort of Marmaris.

His body was flown back to the UK and an inquest opened in Burnley yesterday, so the cremation can go ahead today.

The results of an autopsy in Turkey are not yet known and a post mortem in this country could not determine the cause of death.

East Lancashire Coroner David Smith, told Mr Lee's family he would be contacting the Foreign office, asking them to get in touch with the Consulate in Turkey to get the post mortem results as quickly as possible.

He said: "It may have been natural causes, but at the moment we cannot give a cause of death and that is unsatisfactory.'' Susan Lee said her husband had not complained of the heat in Turkey, although it was even hotter than normal this summer. He was using sun block cream and enjoying his holiday.

On July 14, they went out on a Turkish night, returning to the hotel after midnight. Mrs Lee said she had taken quite a bit to drink, but that her husband had only had a moderate amount.

On the way to the room he seemed to get a bit dizzy and unsteady on his legs, but was then all right. "I swear it was nothing to do with drink,'' she said.

The following morning, someone came to wakeN up and she then realised that her husband had died.

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