A MOTORIST told an inquest how other drivers tried to drive around the body of a pensioner who had been knocked down in Earby.

David Graham, 69, of Linden Court, Earby, died in St James Hospital, Leeds, on March 16 a month after the accident in Colne Road.

East Lancashire Coroner David Smith warned his family at the start of the inquest in Burnley that there was little direct evidence about what happened.

Stephen Peel, now of Ash Grove, Sutton-in-Craven, said he was driving in heavy Traffic towards Colne. Visibility was not good because of the lights of oncoming traffic.

He saw something dark move across from his nearside and then an approaching car swerved towards him. "I saw something which looked like a bundle of rags fall into the road. It was horrible.

"Traffic behind just carried on. People were still trying to drive around him. I was just appalled."

In a police statement, Mini driver Adam Winder, 26, of Vicarage Road, Kelbrook, said he was driving towards Skipton when a man just stepped out from his left into the road in front of him.

He said: "At first I couldn't believe he was there. I tried to swerve but it was too late."

Mr Smith said since the accident, one witness had died and another had recently suffered a stroke and could not attend. But neither had seen the actual moment of impact.

Stephen Graham, of Colne Road, Earby, said his father who last worked as a cleaner lived alone and was fit and active for his age.

On February 16 he saw him and later spoke to him on the telephone shortly before he would be setting off to catch the bingo bus to The Palace at Nelson.

The inquest heard that Mr Graham did not have to cross the main road to get to the bus stop and that he had not been to the shop across the road.

Accident investigator PC David Aitchison said the Mini was well maintained with no defects.

Pathologist Dr Andrew Peter Boon said the cause of death was broncho pneumonia, a recognised complication of a major trauma and as a direct result of the injuries received in the accident.

Recording a verdict of accidental death, Mr Smith said there was a conflict of evidence, but it was clear from the police evidence that Mr Graham came from the Mini driver's nearside.

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