LEYLAND'S dream of having its own shopping centre took another knock this week when one of the key firms involved in the regeneration programme went into receivership.

Metrolands, which own the partially derelict land in Southern Towngate, called in receivers Ernst and Young on Friday.

They had been negotiating to sell the land to Lansbury Holdings, which aimed to build the centre.

But now plans have been thrown back into turmoil after the receivers were called into the Bolton-based firm. A spokesman for Ernst and Young said: "It is too early to say what will happen to the Leyland town centre site. We are still investigating all the options."

The news is a blow for South Ribble Borough Council chiefs, who've been in negotiations with Metrolands for 20 years, and with Lansbury for three.

Only a fortnight ago, Council leader Gina Lewis told the Citizen building work should begin before Christmas.

Council chief executive Phil Halsall said: "It may turn out to be a cloud with a silver lining because our main stumbling block has always been Metrolands.

"Perhaps it will, ultimately, speed things up. I have spoken with the receiver who appears keen to work with the council to secure the right developer for the site.

"It will slow things down in the short term but hopefully in the end it will speed things up."

Members of the Towngate Action Group, who have been key in the airing the views of locals on the project, were shocked to hear of the latest news.

Spokeswoman Christine Brown said: "We have always been supportive of the council in what they are trying to do. We thought things had gone a bit quiet recently and perhaps we now know why.

"Hopefully, the project can still continue at a faster rate."

A spokesman for the Essex-based Lansbury Holdings said: "Hopefully, a more positive message will be forthcoming following the latest development."

Leyland has waited nearly 30 years for the new shopping centre. The most recent plans, unveiled earlier this year, showed a Victorian market as the jewel in the 21-unit centre's crown.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.