SOME 18 months ago we moved back to Lancashire after spending five years living in the loony London borough of Greenwich, only to find to our horror, that Lancaster city council manages to make even the looniest London borough seem sane!

We have seen the disgraceful Crinkley Bottom episode rumble on, WOMAD cancelled due to the withdrawal of council support and now it seems the council has driven out the World Pool Championships and they have inexplicably refused planning permission for major supermarket in Carnforth etc.

The so-called traffic calming throughout the area and the shrinking of the seafront road in Morecambe look like an attempt to make cars, therefore visitors, as unwelcome as they are in Lancaster. Incredibly one of the council leader's recent utterings on marking the millennium included a threat of even more traffic calming... how visionary!

After 18 months here I cannot wait for the next council elections. I can only imagine, how people who have lived under this shower for much longer than we have, must feel.

Gregg Beaman

Hill Street,


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