I FEEL I must write to congratulate everyone involved with this year's Summerbreeze, especially Steve Middlesborough - without this festival would not be what it is today.

I feel that this year was the biggest and the best we have had, with big artists from every era entertaining people of all ages. There really was something for everyone.

Why then, do I pick up the local papers and read that people have been complaining about the noise?

Maybe the complainants would prefer it if, next season we shut Morecambe altogether and no one had any fun. After all, a seaside town is only to be enjoyed by the elderly and locals who want a quiet life and nice scenery - surely not by holiday makers bringing money into the resort and locals who enjoy living in Morecambe!

Answer me one question.

How can you have an outside event with out any noise? Especially on a weekend that saw gale force winds which must have carried the sound across the promenade.

Get real. Wake up and realise that something very special happened this weekend, something that puts Morecambe on the map.

Kate Hoyle

Durham Close


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