I AM writing to express my concerns about the proposed Millennium Bridge across the River Lune.

The Quayside residents are right to object but there are a number of other reasons to take the plans back to the drawing board.

The bridge will be mostly used by pedestrians and cyclists heading into Lancaster from Skerton and the urban areas north of the river.

I have asked at the town hall and, at the moment, there are no plans to separate pedestrians and cyclists which could prove to be difficult. Also, the bridge exit on the quay will be some way from the central shopping area so pedestrians will still face a considerable walk to get into the centre of town.

The end of St George's Quay is very busy and poorly lit and is earmarked as a development site, so it's hardly going to be a great improvement for pedestrians wanting to get into the city centre.

If, during high winds or high tides, the bridge has to be closed then pedestrians will then face a long walk back to the Greyhound Bridge to get across the river.

It appears to me that the local authority wanted something for the Millennium, decided on a bridge and has rushed ahead without fully thinking it through.

The best option for pedestrians would be a cantilever along Greyhound Bridge with a smaller bridge to the end of Water Street, the site of the original ford.

Although less dramatic, pedestrians would not have as far to walk, it would be safer and far less expensive to construct.

There's so many factors against the bridge that I think the council should seriously reconsider their plans.

Tom Crowther,


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