IN response to your article, Modern Day Matrimony (Citizen, July 16).

Since Mrs Baxter is an elected representative of the Blackburn diocese on the Church of England synod, I assume she is a Christian.

But she seems to ignore Christ's own example with regard to sin.

She is quoted as saying "There is no point pretending that people don't live together when they do." Of course not.

But she also says "it isn't sinful to live together before marriage" but she gives no basis for this statement unless it is that "today's generation are doing things their own way."

Does she seriously believe that sin ceases to be sin if enough people commit it?

Does she not recognise that although Christ forgave sins and even asked forgiveness for those who put him to death, he did not pretend that they had not sinned?

To the adulterous woman brought before him, he said he did not condemn her but added: "Go away, and sin no more."

There was no pretence that there had been so sin, no saying that it was acceptable because other people did it too.

Mrs Margaret Greer

Rydal Avenue


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