IS there a campaign against Booths supermarkets?

I ask this because every time a new Booths is suggested within an area, locals establish a campaign against it.

So far as I am aware, every area where Booths has established a store has benefited enormously from it.

Not only in providing an excellent high class grocery store, but also is a form of much-needed employment in that area.

So what if they don't provide so-called gimmicks, such as loyalty cards? The money saved on administering such gimmicks is spent on staff wages and keeping prices down.

The only people who really seem to object are the small businesses whose only employees are the owners.

The stores tend, on the whole, to cater for only local people, as opposed to the much larger superstores, which attract people from much greater distances.

I'm sure surveys have proved that such a store is needed and will profit the area, otherwise I doubt any such suggestion would even have been mooted.

Certainly, from what I know of Longton, such a store is much-needed and would certainly prove on asset to the area in general.

E Sanderson

Address supplied

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