HUNDREDS of protestors are expected to take part in a double march against the proposed Leigh to Manchester Guided Busway on Sunday.

It is anticipated that over 500 walkers, cyclists and 75 horses and riders will join the parade along the planned route.

They will leave Newearth Road, Ellenbrook, and Leigh Library at 12 noon and meet up for a rally in Tyldesley.

The march is expected to show the rising opposition to the busway, which campaigners maintain is really intended to serve the proposed Xanadu project rather than the local community.

Twenty five thousand leaflets have been delivered along the route.

Chris Maile, spokesperson for the campaign, said: "This project is one of the most destructive projects ever to be proposed for the area. While we readily support public transport projects this one is far too destructive to be supported. "The local community would rather see a Leeds style busway that uses existing routes rather than one that will be cut through brideways and footpaths."

The public is invited to join what is expected to be a peaceful family protest.

There will be speakers from all the main organisations involved and opportunities for the public to ask questions.

More information from Chris on 01942 513792, or on the day mobile 0956 371402.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.