STAFF who say they witness two accidents a week outside their office, have started a log book for the police.

Workers at a solicitors, on the corner of Winckley Square and Ribblesdale Place, say incidents are not officially recorded because they are too minor.

Manny Anwar said: "With nearly two accidents a week - I think it's about time a one-way system was put in, or at least clear some of the trees and railings from around the junction."

Avenham ward Councillor Ken Cole has now written to the Director of Technical Services Mahmoud Labib.

He said: "This is a matter that concerns me greatly. Now I'm fully aware of this problem I intend to do something about it with the first approach being a discussion with Mr Labib."

Councillor Cole also added: "I think it would be logical to make this into a one-way street like the rest of Winckley Square."

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.