A UNIQUE Preston-based centre for people with Huntingdon's Disease has won a top NHS award.

The 12-bed Frank Gardham House, in Guild Park, Whittingham, has been given the special 50th NHS anniversary Golden Helix Award for Patient Partnerships.

The award recognises the way it involves patients and carers in how the service is run. It's the only centre in the NHS dedicated solely to the car of people with Huntingdon's - a progressive and fatal disease of the central nervous system.

More than 300 families use the centre, which was opened in 1994 by Preston's Guild Community Healthcare NHS Trust.

Health secretary Frank Dobson presented the title, and a cheque for £1,000, to Les Howell, the trust' chief executive.

Mr Howell said: "The involvement of carers is not a token gesture, but a genuine partnership in shared care."

Director Peter Kilgariff added: "I feel proud and pleased the centre has won this. It's recognition for all the work put in by staff, carers and users."

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