THE people of Preston are opting to park and ride rather than tackle town centre traffic.

Council chiefs have praised commuters for taking advantage of the scheme, which operates from Preston Docklands and Hartington Road, in response to the government's recent public transport campaigns.

The Portway park and ride system on the Docklands was set up 10 years ago, but only recently gained popularity. Howard Booth, Lancashire County Council's Travelwise campaign manager, said the scheme is now so popular that it could be extended.

He added: "The parking area is full every morning - so much so that we are looking to increase the number of drop-off points and the times at which it runs."

Mr Booth said the buses, which now run to the Fishergate and St George's centres every ten minutes, could soon go to the other side of town, towards the market and Guild Hall.

All-day parking (including the bus trip into town) costs £2 on weekdays and just 60 pence at the weekend. A family ticket is £1.50.

Howard added: "The prices are a lot cheaper than parking in Preston town centre.

"More people are responding to the government's initiative and realising that this is a better alternative - both economically and environmentally."

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