SIZE does matter - that's the verdict of a group of green-fingered Leyland folk who are dedicating their spare time to the art of bonsai growing.

But while the trees may be miniature, there is absolutely nothing small about the success of the Leyland Bonsai Club, which is celebrating 15 years of successfully cultivating the unique plants.

The enthusiasts have watched their club grow and grow since it was formed in 1983.

And while the object of their interest is miniature, the popularity of their hobby is soaring to massive proportions.

It is one of just three such clubs in the county. Scores of clubs have been set up nationwide over the past decade, as the craze for cultivating bonzai took off.

Leyland member Stan Blackhurst said: "Everyone seems to think it's difficult and expensive, which it is if you buy the plants from garden centres. But when you start from scratch, it can be very cheap and easy to get good results.

"All you need is the right equipment, plenty of patience and it can be very rewarding."

The club meet every month to swap tips and ideas on the best way to grow the tiny trees, which originate from Japan.

Speakers are invited to give advice on how to grow the perfect bonsai. Once a year, the group holds a show, giving proud members the chance to show off their prize plants.

Stan added: "It's really good when everyone gets together to show off their plants because everyone has worked so hard to produce them.

"There is a real sense of satisfaction when you produce an unusual bonsai tree which you have cultivated yourself."

For further details of the Leyland bonsai enthusiasts' club, call Stan on 432051

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