LAST Thursday, while I was away on holiday, I was telephoned at my hotel and told my home had been broken into. This is the second time this has happened.

The window in the lounge was broken to pieces. Blackburn Council was informed and so were the police.

The council just put a board on the window and said I would have to wait six weeks before they would put a window in.

I live on my own. I have had three strokes and three heart attacks and this is how Blackburn Council treats a disabled person of 62.

I had to get a private firm to put a window in. But the council said they would not pay the bill.

I have only a disabled pension and income support and I have to pay rent for their property.

How can they expect a disabled person living on her own to put up with this?

I am concerned not just for myself, but for all disabled people.

CHRISTINA DICKINSON (Mrs), Lansdowne Street, Blackburn.

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