A LEAFLET being delivered to homes on the Shadsworth Estate in Blackburn alleges to be the Shadsworth Neighbourhood Free Press.

As a member of the Free Press group at the Neighbourhood Centre and effectively editor of the first issue, I regret to say that Blackburn Council employees have removed Page Two of the publication to censor material that criticised the actions of the Council.

Further, they have halved the agreed page size. In doing so, they have used my work and that of others without permission to produce a shabby and incoherent leaflet.

It is up to the Council to apologise to residents for the actions of its employees. For myself, I promise that in the near future Shadsworth residents will receive a Free Press that tries to live up to its name.

Residents who would like to help with news, views or other contributions for future issues can phone me on 01254-679668.

NEIL JACKSON, Rothesay Road, Shadsworth, Blackburn.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.