I WAS very interested to see on TV the new-style driving licences which will eventually be issued to all British drivers.

They will be conveniently credit card sized; show a photograph of the holder and be recognised immediately throughout Europe as they are similar to all EU licences.

To illustrate the point, a number of other member states licences were shown. They appeared just like ours - same credit card size; same requirement for photograph; same colour.

But, then, I spotted a significant different. On the top left hand corner of theirs was their national flag; on ours, a blue blob surmounted by a ring of gold stars - the flag of the European Union!

What's the matter with the Union flag? Are we afraid of displaying it?

Elsewhere in the world they fly their flags with pride, but seemingly not in Britain.

Here, even the flag poles require planning permission! I am no "nationalist," but what has changed so much that we no longer seem to care enough about our national identity to display the Union flag on our driving licences?

BOB MATTHEWS, Park Road, Cliviger, Burnley.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.