A TAXI to the airport should cause as little stress as possible.

I booked a taxi with a local firm three weeks before our flight.

On the day of departure another taxi firm came for us - the job had been passed on - I found out later due to their commitments for the school run.

When we got in to the car it was apparent the taxi had a strong smell of petrol in it. The driver was using an air spray and had his window open so was fully aware of this.

I was reasonably OK in the front but my wife felt ill for the next day or so.

When we arrived back in this country, after a day and night of travel, would you believe the taxi driver did not identify himself at the airport.

We had a two-hour long wait after two phone calls to the original taxi firm.

On return the first taxi firm could not have been more apologetic, but all I got from the one who took us was earache, no apology or compensation.

I feel badly done to by people who we were paying to provide a decent service.

Name and address supplied.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.