SO Greg Pope is getting really fed up with Hyndburn Council's attitude when it comes to providing home adaptations for the disabled and elderly (LET, July 20). Well, Greg, join the club.

In March, the leader of the Conservative group on Hyndburn Council, Peter Britcliffe, highlighted the chronic shortage of money being made available for adaptations in both the public and private sector.

A week doesn't go by when Coun Britcliffe isn't contacted by elderly or disabled people who have been waiting for years for things such as showers.

One 84-year-old lady has been waiting since 1994 for a shower and has been told that she won't get one this financial year.

Another has also been waiting for a shower since then and can only walk with the aid of crutches and cannot possibly use her bath, but again, there is no chance of her getting one this financial year.

These proud elderly people, who have for the most part worked all their lives, are not only being denied these necessary facilities, they are also being deprived of their dignity.

Greg Pope's ranting about Hyndburn Council shows just how much out of touch he is with his own constituency. It's no good him laying into the council when his own government has this year reduced the amount of money it grants in both the public and private sectors for disabled adaptations.

The Government has cut grants to the private sector by £26,200 for this financial year. Maybe he should have a word in Gordon Brown's ear. But, of course, being a government whip, he dare not say much or he will fall foul of Blair's 'Thought Police.'

He will also have to be careful he doesn't offend Brother George Slynn at Hyndburn Council, or deselection could be on the cards for him at the next election.

JOHN D FARRER, Mallard Place, Oswaldtwistle.

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