GET your facts straight Mr Graham of Hindley Green. The (Mis)Guided Busway does not go to Manchester. It goes to Ellenbrook.

At a recent public meeting a representative of GMPTE admitted that the proposed bus priority lane from Ellenbrook to Manchester will not happen.

Anyone who currently travels to Manchester along the East Lancashire Road during the rush hour will know that there is no traffic congestion between Leigh and Ellenbrook. From Ellenbrook to Manchester the congestion is very bad.

This high speed bus link runs from Leigh (or should I say Xanadu?) to Ellenbrook. After that you're back onto the same congested East Lancashire Road.

Mr Graham can't be held responsible for this misunderstanding however. As part of the recent consultation process, our elected representatives have spent a lot of our money printing 27,000 glossy booklets which apparently contain false information.

I'd like to say that I would expect them to get their facts straight first, but I don't.

Busway-No way

Name and address supplied

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