SOMEONE from Tyldesley does not know anyone from there who agrees with the guided busway. Well I'm one who does - and there are many more, too numerous to mention.

We don't need to attend meetings because we are already convinced that this is what we need.

People complain about the area losing its green. Has no-one ever heard of the Red Rose Forest which will transform not only this area but miles around us?

A lot of people living on our housing estates forget that their own houses are built on our original green fields.

Alongside the busway will still be greenery with footpaths, cycle and bridleways, maybe not in the exact same places, but all have been catered for.

Most people with cars don't want the busway as they can see park and ride arriving outside Manchester city, which will inhibit the amount of shopping that they can carry.

The accessible buses will be great for the elderly, disabled and mothers with prams, some of these people have a hard time travelling out of Tyldesley because of the hassle of catching an ordinary bus.

I agree with Cllr Brian Jarvis's comments about the Green Party's Chris Maile, and I have heard that Lib Dem Robert Bleakley has jumped on the bandwagon. If these two people had joined our local transport groups they would be far better informed about the proposed plans and would have been able to pass on all details to their public, instead of creating chaos and wasting trees with their leaflets and posters.

We have to move on in the world and the guided busway is our best way forward at this time. It is fast, clean, comfortable and it will be ours! I hope!

Patricia Parkinson

Birch Street


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