STAFF at Preston's major hospitals are already preparing for a major incident as the world goes wild during millennium celebrations.

Health chiefs at the Royal Preston Hospital's accident and emergency department are anticipating the worst when the public gather at packed venues to celebrate New Year 1999.

Plans are being put into place to make sure the emergency services can cope with a major incident after concerns were raised that the expected high volume of revellers in Preston town centre could lead to a crush.

Even if the worrying prophecy proves false, consultants at the hospital's casualty unit believe they will be busier than ever before.

Consultant Mark James, of RPH's accident and emergency, said: "We are expecting a much busier time on New Year's Eve next year, simply because we think more people to be out and about celebrating the turn of the century.

"But we cannot give exact details of our plans. They are still at a sensitive stage.

"All we can say is that we will be prepared for the night and hopefully it will pass off smoothly."

A hospital spokesman added: "Non-emergency operations are often suspended during the Christmas period, ensuring more beds are available if an accident did occur.

"Our emergency contingency plan will be checked to make sure we are covered."

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.