PEOPLE power has secured a minor victory in the West End of Morecambe where residents and businesses are fighting major traffic calming plans. Local people were outraged by recent County Council's proposals to introduce one way systems, chicanes and bus lanes into the West End. And one businessman, who has drawn up his own traffic calming scheme, is hoping the local authority will take his ideas on board.

"There's absolutely no justification for what they plan to do," said Mr Dave Ayres of Albert Road.

"Everyone thinks their scheme is well over the top. Is it their policy to encourage businesses to leave the West End, because that's exactly what it will do. I agree that some form of traffic calming is needed because there have been accidents at some of the junctions. But I think my scheme is simpler, easier and will cost a lot less. At the end of the day it's our money they are spending."

Mr Ayres plans include simple speed humps close to junctions to reduce traffic speed. He feels that the road layout should remain the same and that the council should be encouraging people to shop in the West End.

He has circulated his ideas to local people and given his plans plus all the responses and suggestions to the so they can be considered.

"If their objective is to make roads safer then there are better ways of going about it," he added. "I hope they will incorporate my plans which will reduce the risk of accidents but will not drive away business or cause disruption to traders."

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