LEIGH has mounted a Back and Forth Canalside Art Trail - which includes turning buildings inside out - at six sites in the town.

The exhibition of large scale photographs measuring 5ft x 3ft has been created by a group of young local people with the help of artist Paula Latham.

It will be on show until August 16.

The 10 giant photographs (one pictured), depicting the varied life of Leigh and the canal, including its industry and leisure activities, are on show throughout the town centre and towpath for passers-by to enjoy.

The trail runs from Asda to Sainsbury's on Atherleigh Way, to the Turnpike Centre and Sit n Tuck Inn Cafe on Market Street to Karas Industries and Volex Wiring Systems on the canal towpath.

The photographers who took part in the exhibition were able to take pictures inside the canalside factories with a view to turning the buildings inside out- making the inside visible to the outside.

They were also encouraged to explore the past and present life of the canal,

A map of the trail is available from Leigh Library and the Turnpike Gallery.

It is hoped that as a result of the project a regular photography group for young people will be established in Leigh.

For more information about visial arts projects and exhibitions in the borough contact Martyn Lucas, visual arts outreach officer at the Turnpike Gallery on 01942 404468.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.