BATTLING Atherton residents have won their five year fight for a clean-up of the rat riddled rail line which runs through Hag Fold estate.

The estates' Residents Association were this week celebrating after Railtrack moved in to remove a mass of old tyres, carpets and general rubbish.

Group treasurer, Reg Holmes, said: "We are absolutely delighted that this site has been cleared after a long struggle.

"We know that a lot of the debris had been put there by residents in the first place, but we had to have some action after rats were spotted running across pavements during the past month.

"Railtrack had refused to let anyone on the line to clear it up, but after vermin was seen darting about Wigan Council's environmental health department was called in and their action prompted the rail company's contractors to move in."

"We would like our councillors for their great support, especially Sue Loudon."

Now chairperson Doris Alldred is to continue the campaign for better fencing on the rail banking on the Devonshire Road side.

The Association is also appealing to all families to help with a great estate clean-up on August 8 .

Wigan Metro and People and Places are backing the day and skips will be placed at strategic points on the north part of the estate.

This follows a very successful tidy up of the southern area last week.

Association officials (pictured) will be distributing informative leaflets containing skip positions during the week.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.