A WORRIED mum has appealed to her missing teenage daughter to return home.

Karen Wareing has not seen 14-year-old Melanie since she walked out of their home in Barkerhouse Road, Nelson, eight days ago.

Karen, who is becoming increasingly worried about Melanie's safety, said: "I want her to come back home or at least get in touch to let me know she's all right."

Police have investigated a number of sightings of Melanie, a pupil at Walton High School, Nelson, in Nelson and Brierfield but so far they have not been able to trace her.

Her mum said: "I've had no sleep and I've been searching the streets until the early hours trying to find her. I'm getting really stressed about it.

"She just got up and left the house for no reason and I haven't seen or heard from her since. "She bought herself a pager and I've been trying that but she hasn't got back to me. I'm getting really worried about her."

Melanie has gone missing twice before this year but has always turned up safe and sound after a short time. The family moved to Nelson from Wigan three years ago.

"I've tried her friends but none of them have seen her," explained Karen. "She tends to hang around with the lads."

Sergeant June Grice, of Nelson police, said: "She's a young girl and we are concerned about the fact she's gone missing.

"We are conducting inquiries. We would her to come forward as soon as possible and we would like to hear from anyone who might know where she is."

The police believe Melanie could be staying with friends in the local area.

Anyone with any information is asked to contact the police on 01282 863161.

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