EMERGENCY services were out in force in Rainford at the weekend following a report that a ball of flames had been seen hurtling from the sky.

Police received word of the alleged incident at 9.05am on Sunday, July 26 from a motorist on the Rainford By-pass heading towards the M58.

Bob Galbraith, a civilian communications officer with the Skelmersdale and Ormskirk division of Lancashire Police, told the Star: "The man was driving past Quattros Italian Restaurant when he saw flames in the sky.

"We took the call very seriously as competitors in the Round Britain Micro Light Rally were passing the area heading for Barton at the time.

"The police helicopter, fire crews and ambulances were immediately dispatched to the scene but despite an extensive search, we found nothing. We are now treating the incident as a false alarm, made with good intentions."

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