ANGRY pensioners have accused Dave Watts of losing touch with his constitutents in an ongoing row over the level of pensions.

Members of the St Helens Pensioners Action Group (PAG) were incensed by comments made by the St Helens North MP last week in which he accused them of being "unrealistic" in calling for a return to pensions linked to wage and price levels. Jimmy Dowd, secretary of PAG, told the Star: "We are very sorry to hear that Mr Watts is not prepared to go against his own Government on the issue of pensions. But surely he is in Parliament to represent his constituents and if can't do that he should do the decent thing and resign to make way for someone who is.

"He says that the Goverment has helped pensioners by cutting VAT on fuel, but that is a measure that cut costs for everyone, not specifically OAPs. As for his claim that our demands are unrealistic, most pensioners would settle for a fraction of MPs' salaries.

"If the Government is stuck for a way to pay decent pensions, then they should tax the Fat Cats. As for Mr Watts being 'depressed' by our views, our members are also depressed - by low income they are expected to survive on!"

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